Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

Daily Readings:


Jesus calls the first disciples telling them that they will be fishers of men.  Did they have any idea what that meant?  This has become a common phrase and we are aware of the concept of evangelization.  The apostles lived in a wholly Jewish society where everyone followed their same faith and customs.  Did they know what Jesus was calling them to do when they gave up their entire livelihoods to follow this person whom they barely knew?

What a lesson for our lives!  We can feel a tug from God, and we might not have a clue what he is getting at or really wants from us.  Where he is pulling us might not be where we want to go, and it might even be going against what we want to do.  But, we are reminded in today’s Gospel that we are to follow in the example of the apostles.  Just like the apostles, we are to put our complete trust in God and follow him.

Big Picture:  Don’t follow your heart, follow God’s heart

Discussion Starters:

Younger saints:  What does it mean to be a “fisher of men?”  (To teach others about Jesus.)  How can we do this?  (Talking about the stories of the bible and stories of Jesus with our friends and family, inviting others to come to Mass with us, following God’s commandments.)

Older saints:  How has God called you to be a “fisher of men?”  Have you answered God’s call for you?  Did it push you outside your comfort zone?  How did that make you feel?

Fun Fact:  The word “Mass” comes from a Latin phrase that means dismissal, because we are called to go out and spread the good news after leaving Mass.

Saint of the day

Name: St. Felix

What they are remembered for:  When St. Felix’s father died, he distributed all of his inheritance to the poor.  He was later ordained by Bishop St. Maximus of Nola and became his assistant. 

Feast day:  January 14

Patron saint of: Nola, Italy

Daily Notes:

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