PS 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9
Reflection: Today’s Gospel reading reminds me of the beauty of the Catholic Church. The people who listened to Jesus speak recognized that He was different and that He taught with authority. The same can be said today. Jesus gave Peter the authority to govern His church here on earth, and that authority has been maintained and continues to be passed down through the Papacy (the office of the Pope). The apostles’ responsibility to govern and guide the Church continues through today’s Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, and priests. They teach with Jesus’ authority, and we should stand in awe of the way in which God has called them and God has spoken to them.
Big Picture: The Church speaks with great authority.
Discussion Starters:
Younger saints: What does it mean to be a priest? (A man who is called by God to lead God’s people closer to Him. A priest is ordained through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. A priest leads Mass and helps people to celebrate all the Sacraments.) Who is the Pope? (The Pope is a priest whose job is to lead the Catholic Church on earth and guide all people toward God. The Pope is the successor to Saint Peter the Apostle, who was the first Pope.)
Older saints: What does it mean that priests teach with Jesus’ authority? (That God still talks to His Church on earth through the Magisterium, the infallible teaching authority of the Catholic Church). What does that mean to you?
Fun Fact: The Priests clothing worn during Mass are called His vestments.
Saint of the day
Name: St. Paul the Hermit (also known as St. Paul the First Hermit or St. Paul of Thebes)
What they are remembered for: At the age of 22 he fled to the desert due to the persecution of Christians. He remained in a desert cave and lived an eremitical life for the remainder of his life.
Feast day: January 15
Patron saint of: San Pablo City, Philippines
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