Sunday, March 24, 2013

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Monday, March 25, 2013

Daily Readings:
IS 42:1-7; PS 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14; JN 12:1-11

Reflection:  Today we receive a lesson that moves beyond our need to evangelize, and provides us with a lesson in how to evangelize.  As the Prophet Isaiah tells us, “Here is my servant who I uphold…he shall bring forth justice to the nations, Not crying out, not shouting, not making his voice heard in the street.”  Are we not all called to be faithful servants who bring God’s teachings to the ends of the earth?  We are all called to be Christ’s “light for the nations, To open the eyes of the blind.”  Unless we show others the truth and open their eyes to the sin of this world, they will not come to know and see God.  Through our love, our charity, and our kindness in our teachings and in our actions they will see Christ’s light shine through us.

Reflection for younger saints:  God asks us all to be servants and to teach others about God.  This is called evangelization.  We don’t do this by yelling and shouting and being unkind.  Instead, we teach and live with love just as Jesus did.

Big Picture:  We are all God’s servants

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:  What does it mean to be a servant?  How do we serve God?  (By loving God and by loving and caring for our neighbor.)  How do we help others to know God?  (By teaching them about Jesus and God’s commandments, by teaching them about the Catholic Church, and by living our lives like Jesus.)
     Older saints:  Reflect on your experience in evangelization.  Do you shout, or do you listen and love?  How are you acting as a light to the nations?

Fun Fact:  The “mingling of the body and blood” when the priest places a piece of the host in the Precious Blood, reminds us that by Jesus’ rising from the dead His body and blood become one again.

Saint of the day: 
     Name:  Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
     What they are remembered for:  Today we celebrate the day the angel Gabriel visited the Virgin Mary to announce she would be the mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  As we look toward Easter, we celebrate Mary’s “yes” and what that means for our salvation.  Take time today to reflect on what God has asked of you in your life, and how you can follow Mary’s example in telling God “yes”.
     Feast day:  March 25
Daily Notes: 

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