Monday, March 4, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reflection:  Today we receive a beautiful reminder of our need to be merciful and forgive others, just as the Father has forgiven us.  It is unlikely that any of us can say we have gone through life without hurting another, or without being hurt.  We also, then, likely know the pain that can come from lack of mercy and forgiveness.  Just as we seek forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and pray that God will treat us with great mercy and kindness, the same is requested of us.  “Then in anger his master handed him over to the torturers until he should pay back the whole debt.  So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.”

Reflection for younger saints:  Today God reminds us that He is always kind and loving and always willing to forgive us for our sins.  God also asks us to forgive others and treat them with love and kindness as well.  Sometimes other people will be mean to us or hurt us, but we should always be kind and forgive them.

Big Picture:  Forgive others as your Father forgives you

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  Is there any sin or unkind behavior that God will not forgive?  (No.  As long as we come to God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, He will forgive all of our sins because He loves us.)  What did today’s reading teach us about forgiving others?
     Older saints:  Today’s message of our need to forgive others is likely not a new message for you.  Reflect on the closing sentence of the Gospel in which Jesus says “unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.”  What does that statement mean to you?  Do you sometimes tell someone you forgive them, but you continue to be resentful and hold a grudge against them?  When you offer forgiveness, is it coming from your heart, or are you going through the motions?  Do you have anyone in your life that needs your forgiveness?

Fun Fact:  The word “Amen” is Hebrew for “so be it.”

Saint of the day: 
 Saint John Joseph of the Cross
     What they are remembered for:  St. John Joseph joined the Franciscans in Naples at the age of 16.  He obedience to the Church resulted in his appointment to the positions of novice master, guardian, and provincial.  While he maintained these positions, he continued to serve those in positions below his.
     Feast day:  March 5
Daily Notes:

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