Thursday, May 2, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Reflection:  Just as Paul is reminding his brothers and sisters of the truth and the life of Jesus, sometimes the people in our lives need the same reminders.  It is only through knowledge of and lived example of the Gospel that we will be saved.  Jesus is “the way and the truth and the life.”  We must always work to remind those around us of that, so they may share in the glory of heaven as well.

Reflection for younger saints:  Paul is writing to remind people of everything he taught them about Jesus.  We must also tell others about Jesus and remind them of all He did for us so they can know, love, and serve Jesus.

Big Picture:  Let your life be a reminder of Jesus’ life

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  Why did Paul write this letter to the Corinthians?  What do we need to do just like Paul was doing?  How do we do that?
     Older saints:  Do you verbally discuss your faith and Jesus’ teachings with others?  Why or why not?  Is your life a lived example of Jesus’ teaching?  Who is your life needs to be reminded of the truth and the life of Jesus?

Fun Fact:  The eighth commandment is:  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.  In this we are commanded to always speak the truth in all things.  The eighth commandment forbids lies (St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 2008, p. 98).

Saint of the day: 
 Saints Philip and James
     What they are remembered for:  St. Philip was a disciple of John the Baptist, who later became a follower of Jesus.  St. James was a cousin of Jesus who ruled over the Church at Jerusalem and converted many Jewish people to the faith.
     Feast day:  May 3
Daily Notes:

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