Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Reflection:  Jesus is preparing His disciples for His departure and ascension into heaven.  He reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the amazing guidance and wisdom we can receive from listening to the Holy Spirit.  He also tells the disciples “peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”  Jesus continues to provide us with great peace through our knowledge of the faith and our hope in the glory of heaven.  Our peace comes through knowledge of and acceptance of the truth of Jesus and the truth of His Church.  While we may not always feel peace in our hearts, and we might at times experience stress and anxiety, we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus continually offers us peace if we seek Him.  He does not offer us the fleeting peace of this world, but the everlasting peace of our life in heaven.

Big Picture:  Peace of heaven, not peace of worldly measures

Discussion Starters:

Younger saints:  What does Jesus tell His disciples?  (“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”)  How do we have peace in Jesus?  (By knowing about His life and accepting the truth He taught us and the truth the Catholic Church continues to teach us.)  What is the greatest peace Jesus gives us?  (Knowing we will be with Him in heaven one day.)

Older saints:  What does it mean to you to have peace?  Does it mean you will never be anxious or experience stress in your life?  Do you experience peace in your faith and your understanding of the truth of the teachings of the Catholic Church?  Do you experience peace in knowing you will be in haven with our Lord one day?

Scripture Verse for the Week:  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”  John 14:27

You are now entering the mission field:  Make a habit of praying for the souls of the deceased when you drive past a cemetery (Spiritual work of mercy:  to pray for the living and the dead).




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