Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15-17; 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 or 13:4-13; Lk 4:21-30

Reflection:  The topics of defining when life begins, abortion, in-vitro fertilization, and stem cell research have become hot topics of discussion in our society.  We receive a beautiful definition of life in our first reading today.  The scripture reminds us that before God formed us in the womb, He knew us.  In this we see that all life is precious, that God creates all life, that God has a beautiful plan for each and every life, and that all life is to be formed in the womb.

Reflection for kids:  God creates every person and He knows and loves every person even before they are put in their mommy’s tummy.

Big Picture:  Every life is created and loved by God

Discussion Starters:

Younger saints:  Who creates every person on earth?  (God.)  Is every person special and loved by God?  (Yes.)  Does God have a plan for every person that He creates?  (Yes.)

Older saints:  Reflect on the scripture and how that relates to or contradicts society’s view of abortion, stem cell research, and in-vitro fertilization.  How does the scripture correlate with the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion, stem cell research, and in-vitro fertilization?  Are you following the Church’s teachings on these issues and guiding others to do the same?

Scripture Verse for the Week:  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”  Jeremiah 1:5

You are now entering the mission field:  Offer up prayers that the Holy Spirit will guide your words when you are providing guidance to a friend.  (Spiritual work of mercy:  Counseling the doubtful.)


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