Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Reflection:  Today’s readings remind us of the necessity of the Catholic Church’s magisterium, the Papacy, the councils of Bishops, and our own local priests.  If we remember back to Easter, this authority was given to Peter and the Apostles, and has been passed on to their successors ever since.  On his journey, the Ethiopian eunuch is reading from scripture.  Phillip questions his ability to understand what he is reading, to which the eunuch responds:  “How can I, unless someone instructs me?”  Throughout history we have seen new churches develop and many faiths proclaim that religion is rooted in a personal reading and understanding of scripture.  Yet, we see here within scripture, God telling us to seek guidance, for “they shall all be taught by God.”  Church teaching and scripture tell us that the magisterium and the office of the Papacy receive special guidance from the Holy Spirit.  It is only through their guidance and their authority that we can truly know and understand scripture.  Without their guidance, we can easily become lost sheep who are led astray.

Reflection for younger saints:  The eunuch is reading scripture on his journey, but has trouble understanding it on his own.  We can also have a hard time understanding God’s message in the bible.  Because of this, the Catholic Church gives authority to the magisterium, the Pope, and priests so that they can guide us and teach us what God is telling us in the bible.

Big Picture:  God teaches us through the authority of the Catholic Church

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  What is the special name for the teaching authority of the Catholic Church?  (The magisterium).  Why do we need the magisterium, why can’t we just read the bible and understand it on our own?  (Just like the eunuch, it can be hard to understand God’s message for us all the time.  We trust in God’s guidance of the people in authority of the Church.  If we trust them and listen to what they teach us, we will be listening to God’s teaching.)
     Older saints:  Take a few minutes today to research what and who the magisterium is.  What is their role?  In what teachings are they infallible?  In what teachings are they not?  These are issues that are often confused by those who are Catholic as well as those who are not.  If we do not understand the authority of the Church, how can we teach others about it?

Fun Fact:  The general judgment is the judgment that will be passed on each one of us immediately after the general resurrection (St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 2008, p. 70).

Saint of the day: 
 Saint Apollonius the Apologist
     What they are remembered for:  St. Apollonius the Apologist was a Roman senator who was sentenced to death after it was made known that he was a Christian.  He refused to denounce his faith, which resulted in his martyrdom.
     Feast day:  April 18
Daily Notes:

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