Monday, March 25, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reflection:  We hear Peter declare that he will lay his life down for Christ, and yet Jesus knows that Peter will deny Him in His darkest hour.  We face this same inner struggle and sinfulness in our own lives.  “The Lord called me from the birth, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.”  God has declared us His own, and we have lovingly called Him our Father.  In spite of all of this, we still struggle at times in our lives to stand up for God and to love Him and serve Him as He asks us to.  It is certainly not always easy, just as it was not always easy for Peter and the other disciples.  Many times we might feel as though we have “toiled in vain, and for nothing”, yet the Lord is our strength and He is always by our side.  No matter how many times we deny Him and turn from Him, He will always welcome us back.  Peter denied our Lord three times, and still Peter is the “rock” upon which Jesus’ Church is built.  God always welcomes us back.

Reflection for younger saints:  We follow Jesus in His final days before His Passion and death on the cross.  Today we read of Jesus’ knowledge of the disciples that would deny Him and would turn Him over to be killed. 

Big Picture:  He called us from birth, He always loves us

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  What is the name of the disciple who will betray Jesus?  What is the name of the disciple who will deny Jesus three times before the cock crows?  What does Jesus tell His disciples about where He is going?  (“Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, though you will follow later.”  Jesus is going to heaven, but we cannot follow Him until our time has come.)
     Older saints:  Reflect on the statement “the Lord called me from birth, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.” What does that mean to you?  What does that mean regarding the love and value of all human life, even before birth?

Fun Fact:  When we receive Holy Communion we are receiving the true body and blood of Jesus, not just a symbol.

Saint of the day: 
 Saint Margaret of Clitherow
     What they are remembered for:  St. Margaret Clitherow was a faithful wife and mother.  She was raised Protestant, but converted to the Catholic Church a few years into her marriage.  She helped to harbor fugitive priests, which resulted in her capture.  After her refusal to deny her Catholic faith, she was pressed to death by authorities.  Upon hearing of her impending death, she is quoted as saying: 
"The sheriffs have said that I am going to die this coming Friday; and I feel the weakness of my flesh which is troubled at this news, but my spirit rejoices greatly. For the love of God, pray for me and ask all good people to do likewise."
     Feast day:  March 26
Daily Notes:

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