Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Reflection:  Today’s reading from the prophet Isaiah reminds us of our human nature, and our human weakness.  Even in our desires to serve God through fasting, we turn that fasting into a service of our own desires.  God reminds us of our need to turn from our desires and our human ways, and to strive for a deeper holiness.  We cannot just turn one aspect of our life to God and expect a change, we must turn our whole lives over to God in order to see a change.  Have you devoted your life to God and the service of others?  What are you holding back?

Big Picture:  Turn your life to God

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  During the period of Lent we are called to share more with those around us.  Sit down with your family and discuss how you can give to this in need this Lent.  Decide on one toy and one clothing item you could donate to those in need this Lent.  If we all make small sacrifices, we can make a huge impact.
     Older saints:  Today’s readings were very fitting following the Ash Wednesday fast and our start of the Lenten period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  Before we head too far into Lent and forget that this is a time to serve God and seek a deeper relationship with him, we have a great reminder in scripture of how we can more fully seek God in our lives.  Read through today’s first reading slowly.  Contemplate how God has called us to fast.  How can you more fully embrace this fast?

Fun Fact:  The Sanctuary Light is the light that is always kept burning within Church to indicated the true presence of Christ.

Saint of the day: 
 Saint Claude la Colombiere
     What they are remembered for:  St. Claude la Colombiere was a Jesuit priest who held a special devotion to the  Sacred Heart of Jesus.  He converted many Protestants with his preaching and his lived example of the faith.  He was imprisoned for his strong faith and the threat it caused to the King.
     Feast day:
  February 15
Daily Notes:

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