Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Daily Readings:
Gn 1:20—2:4a; Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Mk 7:1-13

Reflection:  It always amazes me how the Holy Spirit can speak to us through scripture, even if it is through passages we have read or heard numerous times before.  The readings from Genesis are certainly familiar to many of us, and likely even to our children.  Yet, we can be struck by new words or phrases we didn’t notice in the past.  Some key take-away components of today’s reading for me were the difference in how God reflected on His creation before man was created and after man was created.  After each new creation is added to the kingdom, God stands back, observes His creation, and notes it is good.  But, after man has been created I the kingdom, God says His creation is very good.  What does this difference mean to you?  What does it mean to you to reflect on the fact that of all that God created, only man is created in God’s image?  Do you see the amazing power of God in that we consistently see “God said….and so it happened”?  What does it mean for you and your life that even God rested on the seventh day?

Big Picture:  We are created in God’s image

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  Take time today to slowly read through the reading from Genesis.  We can find ourselves quickly reading this scripture because we have heard it so many times and it has become “too familiar” to us.  Sit with your child and read it line by line.  Discuss anything that stands out to you.  Have your child draw a picture as you go along and discuss the creation story. 
     Older saints:  Take time today to slowly read through the reading from Genesis.  We can find ourselves quickly reading this scripture because we have heard it so many times and it has become “too familiar” to us.  Slowly read it line by line.  Discuss anything that stands out to you.  Are there any details that you don’t remember noticing before?  Is there anything that speaks to you today more than other times you have read this passage?

Fun Fact:  Man is made of body and soul and we are made in the image and likeness of God (St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 2008, p. 27).

Saint of the day: 
 Saint Buonfiglio Monaldo
     What they are remembered for:  St. Buonfiglio Monaldo joined the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin and was inspired by a vision, on the feast of the Assumption, to live a life of solitude and prayer.  After 15 years of serving the Church in this manner, he took the name of Servant of Mary in 1240.  The “Seven Holy Founders” of the Servants of Mary were canonized in 1887.
     Feast day:
  February 12
     Patron saint of: 

Daily Notes: 

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