Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Reflection:  Today we see a clear and sobering need for us to seek not the possessions and desires of this world, for they will fade away.  Our true and lasting joy will not come from things of this world.  True joy and hope comes from trusting in the Lord, following the Lord, and striving for heaven.  We see in the story of the rich man that when our hearts serve man and the desires of this world, we may experience earthly happiness, but we will also experience eternal torment.  Seek not fleeting happiness on earth, seek eternal happiness through hope and trust in God.

Reflection for younger saints:  Today we hear about two men who lived very different lives.  The rich man lived a life focused on himself, not on others, and he tried to gain many things in his lifetime.  Lazarus was a poor man who had nothing in his time on earth.  Each of these men died.  When this happened, the rich man was sent to hell because he did not serve God and his neighbor, while Lazarus will spend all of eternity with God in heaven.

Big Picture:  Serve God and your neighbor, not your own desires

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  What did the rich man experience after death?  What did the poor man experience after death?  If we love things, instead of God and our neighbor, what will we experience after death?  If we love God and our neighbor, what will we experience after death?
     Older saints:  Reflect on the story of the rich man and Lazarus.  What are you living your life for?  Are you seeking fleeting happiness and possessions like the rich man, or are you seeking God and eternal joy and happiness?

Fun Fact:  Faith is the belief in all the truths that God has revealed (St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 2008, p. 54).

Saint of the day: 
 Saint Oswald
     What they are remembered for:  St. Oswald was the nephew of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who played an important role in his early education.  St. Oswald became a Benedictine monk, and later was appointed as bishop of Worcester and archbishop of York.  He founded monasteries, and focused on increasing the educational standards within the abbeys he founded.  He is remembered for his service of others and his Lenten practice of washing the feet of 12 poor men every day.
     Feast day:  February 28
Daily Notes:

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