Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Reflection:  The Gospel closes with the statement:  “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”  What does this mean to you?  What does it mean to have an abundant life?  Society tells us it is a life overflowing with success, independence, and riches.  Scripture and the Saints who have gone before us show us an abundant life is one filled with prayer, humility, service, and the Eucharist.  No matter what your vocation, we can all live our life more abundantly with Christ.  “Athirst is my soul for the living God.”  How are you quenching your thirst?

Reflection for younger saints:  Jesus came so we might have eternal life and live our life for Him.  If we seek God in all we do we will be happy.

Big Picture:  “Athirst is my soul for the living God”

Discussion Starters:
     Younger saints:
  Why did Jesus come?  Should we seek riches and success in our life, or seek to love and serve God and others?  What do we need to be happy?
     Older saints:  What is your vision of an abundant life?  Does your vision align with what God desires for you?  How are you striving to attain your vision of an abundant life?

Fun Fact:  We worship God through acts of faith, hope, and charity, by adoring Him, and by praying to Him (St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 2008, p. 79).

Saint of the day: 
 Saint Abdiesus
     What they are remembered for:  St. Abdiesus was a deacon in a Christian community in Persia.  He was martyred for his faith during the persecutions by King Shapur II.
     Feast day:  April 22
Daily Notes:

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